Radiación lumínica; Naturaleza de la luz; Radiacion luminica; Haz de luz; Radiación luminica; Radiacion lumínica; Teoria ondulatoria de la luz
= illumination, light, power, light fitting, light fixture, lighting fixture.
Ex: Also if the illumination is uneven, comfort conditions can be impaired.
Ex: Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.
Ex: This article covers requirements of space, power, environment, security and alarm systems, and data and telecommunications.
Ex: During the war, all of the light fittings on the bridge were screened as a blackout measure.
Ex: By replacing the five most frequently used light fixtures in your home with energy-saving models, you can save more than $65 each year.
Ex: Deuxville's main downtown library was beautifully decorated in rare woods and marbles, bronze lighting fixtures and stained glass.
* a años luz de = light years away from.
* a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.
* a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.
* a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.
* a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.
* a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.
* año luz = light year.
* apagón de luz = electrical power blackout.
* a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.
* araña de luces = chandelier.
* arrojar luz = shed + light (on/upon), shed + understanding.
* arrojar luz sobre = throw + light on, cast + light on.
* a todas luces = patently.
* bombilla de la luz = light bulb.
* con poca luz = badly-lit.
* contador de la luz = electric meter, electricity meter.
* corte de luz = power outage, power failure, outage, disruption in the flow of electricity.
* corto de luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].
* dar a luz a = give + birth to.
* dar luz verde = give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
* de pocas luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].
* desvanecerse la luz = light + fail.
* emisor de luz = light-emitting.
* emitir luz = emit + light.
* enchufe de la luz = light socket.
* epilepsia causada por la luz = photosensitive epilepsy.
* epilético sensible a la luz = photosensitive epileptic.
* exponer a la luz = expose to + light.
* exponer a la luz del día = expose to + daylight.
* exponer a la luz del sol = expose to + sunlight.
* fuente de luz = light source.
* hacer que se encienda una luz = activate + light.
* haz de luz = beam.
* inducido por la luz = light-induced.
* LED [diodo emisor de luz] = LED [light-emitting diode].
* llenar de luz = flood with + light, brighten up.
* luces de emergencia = blackout facilities, hazard lights.
* luz + apagarse = light + go out.
* luz artificial = artificial light.
* luz cálida = warm white light.
* luz cegadora = blinding light.
* luz de aviso = warning light.
* luz débil = glimmer.
* luz de emergencia = emergency warning light.
* luz de frenado = brake light, stoplamp, stoplight.
* luz de freno = brake light, stoplamp, stoplight.
* luz de la luna = moonlight.
* luz delantera = headlight, headlamp.
* luz del día = daylight.
* luz del sol = sunlight, sunshine.
* luz de mesa = table light.
* luz de mesita de noche = bedside lamp.
* luz descendente = downlight.
* luz deslumbradora = glare.
* luz embutida = recessed light, recessed downlight, downlight.
* luz empotrada = recessed light, recessed downlight, downlight.
* luz guía = beacon light.
* luz natural = daylight, natural daylight, natural light.
* luz piloto = pilot light.
* luz posterior = tail light.
* luz roja = red light.
* luz tenue = glimmer.
* luz trasera = tail light.
* luz verde = green light, go-ahead.
* luz y guía = lodestar.
* media luz = half-light.
* noche de luz de luna = moonlight night.
* no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.
* no tener pocas luces = as daft as a brush.
* plantear a la luz de = discuss + in the light of.
* poste de la luz = lamppost, light pole.
* punto de luz = power point, electrical outlet, socket outlet, outlet.
* rayo de luz = light beam, light ray, ray of light.
* reflejar la luz = trap + light.
* sacar a la luz = bring to + light, dredge up.
* salir a la luz = come to + light, go + live.
* sensible a la luz = light-sensitive.
* Siglo de las Luces, el = Enlightenment, the, Age of Enlightenment, the.
* tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks.
* toma de luz = outlet, power point, socket, socket outlet.
* toques de luz = highlights.
* un rayo de luz esperanzador = a faint glimmer of light.
* velocidad de la luz, la = speed of light, the.
* ver la luz = see + the light.
* ver la luz del día = see + the light of day.